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mini-atc mini-atc 0 SGD0.00
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mini-atc mini-atc 0 SGD0.00
Stanton Lounge Rocking Armchair Placeholder Stanton Lounge Rocking Armchair
Based on 6 Reviews
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Ratings & Reviews

Standon lounge rocking armchair
By Samy Ann on 06/06/2024
It works very well for my family. We love the rocking chair .we can sit very comfortably and it rocks to and fro very well.well pick furniture for my family
Excellent Service
By Bhargavee Nambiar on 23/01/2024
Fortytwo service was excellent. The delivery came promptly on time & the deliveryman was very helpful in assembling the product. Keep up the good service.
Stanton Lounge Rocking Armchair (White/Houndstooth)
By Kim N. on 10/07/2023
This chair is not suitable for hot weather unless you have aircon
Stanton Lounge Rocking Armchair (White/Houndstooth)
By Kim N. on 10/07/2023
Have refund for this chair/unable to review this
Good service
By Simon Loh on 23/05/2023
Great product and Great service! Well done !
Stanton lounge rocking chair
By Patrick Ong on 04/05/2023
Good. Happy with the purchase.